10th October 2021
To bring together Korean scientists and engineers working in Europe and in Korea and the European scientists and engineers interested in collaborating with Korean nationals to develop friendship and to exchange useful knowledge and bright ideas for the promotion of science and techonology in service of the human being and the society.
Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC) is the premier conference for Korean and European scientists and engieers to present their recent achievements. Special emphasis is given to develop friendship and to exchange useful knowledge and bright ideas for the promotion of science and technology in the service of society. It covers a full range of science and technology, e.g., Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Materials, Biology, and Life Science, Earth and Environment, Energy, Information and Communications Technolog, Architecture, and Science policies.
Dear EKC 2021 Participants, The online zoom link is available on the EKC system. To find the right zoom link for each event and session, please ... Read More
The registration for EKC 2021 is now open! The registration is preocessed online in https://registration.ekc2021.org Also, ... Read More
The paper submission is open for EKC 2021. Please upload your abstract via the EKC 2021 system. The procecure of how to upload an abstract can be found in the ... Read More